About Bread of Life
Welcome to Bread of Life, a course designed from the ground up to be the start of an amazing journey in getting to know Jesus Christ with a new and deeper understanding.
A number of people have come together from across the Church to create a library of teaching resources to help you bring your faith to life. To start with, these resources include this Guest Book and accompanying videos and podcasts.
To access all of the media, slides and downloads for Bread of Life we ask that you purchase the course guest book and then register on this website. You’ll then have access here to everything you need to run the course.

Module 1
This module introduces the Eucharist as the central sacrament of the Christian life by looking at its history, its meaning and its importance to the contemporary Church.

Module 2
This module looks at what it means to be reconciled to God, and why we participate in repentance and absolution as preparation for receiving the Eucharist

Module 3
This module examines the importance of Scripture, giving an overview of the arc of Scripture, and looking in detail at the biblical passages that inform our understanding of the Eucharist.

Buy the Guest Book

Order your Bread of Life Guest Books directly from the SPCK website.
Buy 10 or more books at just £10 per copy
The course has received considerable investment from CBS (The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament) and across the Church. This is reflected in the quality of the videos – which have been specially commissioned and filmed in biblical locations such as Jerusalem and across the UK – and in the attractive Guest Book, designed to accompany participants through their involvement with Bread of Life and on their ongoing faith journey.