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Module 1

This module introduces the Eucharist as the central sacramentof the Christian life by looking at its history, its meaning and itsimportance to the contemporary Church.

Module 2

This module looks at what it means to be reconciled to God, and why we participate in repentance and absolution as preparation for receiving the Eucharist.

Module 3

This module examines the importance of Scripture, giving anoverview of the arc of Scripture, and looking in detail at the biblical passages that inform our understanding of the Eucharist.

Module 4

This module looks at the role of prayer in the Christian life, and specifically at the Lord’s Prayer as the prayer of the Eucharist and as a pattern of prayer.

Module 5

This module looks at what it means to receive Christ in the Eucharist.

Module 6

This module explains why the eucharistic life is missional and outward looking.